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2/12/2015 12:06:00 AM
I actually read this yesterday, and he does make some serious points- some of which I didn't know, like the importance of heavy ammo in the CE hard raid, and why the bug is an issue. Anyway, I have not played the game as much as he has, but I'm already there. I have two 31's and one 29, all with armor and weapons I like already, so other than raid gear and the treasured GH, there isn't much for me to do. The ROC strikes are dropping much less than they used to in terms of blue engrams or purple as they did when I was lower level and the game considered it "harder" for me, I guess. Haven't seen a (decent, as in not Dragonsbreath) exotic drop in ages. Keep getting shards and commendations on my faction rep. So what is there for me to do? Anyway, it was a well written summary of much of what I see posted here.

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