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Edited by ghettobrawl: 2/11/2015 3:51:35 PM
If you've spent +400 hours (10 solid work weeks btw) on it and there is nothing left to do, then move on. Are people really that desperate for new content? Are they really that desperate for more vault space and heavy ammo? I mean, how long was that article? Someone actually took the time to write a damn dissertation on how he no longer wants to play a video game. Like seriously? Calm your tits

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  • He got paid to write about a video game he enjoys playing and in the process expressed opinions that a lot of players have with regards to this game, especially in regards to how the bad is really starting to outweigh the good. No one forced you to read it and why do you care how someone what feels? Get a life you human canker sore. If you disagree with those opinions you're free to express why, but saying no one who has put in hundreds of hours has a right to complain is pretty stupid.

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  • I didn't say you didn't have a right to complain, you mouth breather. Be a whiny b1tch all you want. Play a game for +400 hours and then write a four page essay about why you're going to quit. You guys all sound (and probably look) like the comic book store guy from the Simpsons. "Worst. Video game. Ever".

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  • I'd rather read a well thought out essay that rationally details the issues present in the game than listen to idiots like you who manage to spare brain power from making sure yet breathe to vomit their tripe on the forums. The article is at least constructive. You meanwhile are nothing more than a strong argument for birth control.

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  • Yea I bet you would, and I'm sure you'd love to sit around in a circle and jerk each other off while you discuss it too. Hmm yes indeed Bungie sucks indubitably.

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  • Exactly, these people want to spend every waking moment playing this one game. Then complain because they are out of things to do. Hey go the blam outside, pick up a different game, get a life, the list goes on. A developer can't cater to every one of us, and never will. The game is great, and more content will come. I personally have 3 characters all 32 as well. I have played quite a bit since launch. I more than got my monies worth a long time ago, along with most everyone on here. I still enjoy the grind for certain things, along with helping friends with raids and what not.

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  • Yup

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  • All of this!

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  • What exactly is your point?

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  • Seriously? It's the first sentence of my post. If there's nothing left to do in the video game, then move on. It's a very simple concept. No need for a four page essay on why you're not going to play a video game anymore

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  • Stupid point. Why shouldn't he complain about being sold a crappy product?

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  • Because you didn't get sold a crappy product. You got sold an okay product and grinder yourself to submission by playing too often. I played WoW for 2 months since Draenor and I don't even want to play anymore.

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  • Again, semantics and hyperbole. All that matters is that Destiny has problems, and therefore we should be allowed to complain about them.

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  • It's not a stupid point. If you've put +400 hours into a game and complain that's it crappy, then you're the one that's stupid. And before you ask, I'll break it down even more for you: You're an idiot if you spend that much time doing something you don't like

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 2/11/2015 5:24:08 PM
    Yes, it is. The intelligence of the player is irrelevant to the quality of the game. Stay on target, please.

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  • I'm beginning to see the intelligence you're bringing to the table. Everything I'm saying is staying on point. Remember the point that I had to spell out for you? You apparently don't because somehow you think the point shifted to the quality of the game (which was neither my point, nor the point of the article). Let me repeat my point, again since you can't seem to grasp it: if you've put +400 hours into a game and have nothing else to do, then stop playing it. If you think it's stupid to stop doing something that you don't enjoy doing, then you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 2/11/2015 6:24:15 PM
    Or! Or! ...Maybe Bungie could like, make a... good game? Then we wouldn't have this problem in the first place! Omfg, it's almost as if that's what this thread is about!

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  • Um, that's not what this thread is about at all. If you actually read the article, which I'm assuming you didn't since you seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension, the author never once said it wasn't a good game. Quite contrary, he actually enjoys the game so much that he's played all the content. His point was that there's nothing left for him to do and he wants more. A lot of people do. Except this isn't a game where you pay a monthly fee and developers can continually create content for it. You have to wait for the dlc for new content. People wait months for new episodes of a tv show. People can wait a few months for new destiny content. And if you think it's a crappy game, then stop playing it. Otherwise you're just going to look like a whiny little b1tch.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 2/11/2015 7:17:27 PM
    The article was about pointing out Destiny's core problems. It was not "Great game, I just wish there was more content!". That you can't understand your favorite game isn't perfect is mind-boggling. What's the difference between monthly subscriptions and DLC? Or! Or! Maybe [i][b]Bungie could make a good game.[/b][/i]

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  • Edited by ghettobrawl: 2/11/2015 10:09:10 PM
    The article was titled "Five months in, hardcore destiny players are hitting a wall". Could you understand that statement or should I explain it? The article is based on how he had done everything there is to do in the game. He had every gun and exotic that he wants leveled up. His main point is that there is nothing left to do until the next DLC. Now read that a couple mores times until you can understand the point of the article. And what's the difference between monthly and dlc? Well for one, a monthly fee is something you pay every month just to play. A DLC is a package of content that you pay for. Developers have to get paid to create content, and monthly fee type games can afford new content quicker Bungie made a good game. It has solid game mechanics and gameplay. It's not perfect, and there's a lot of things that could be done to improve it, but to play a game over and over and call it bad is just pure stupidity.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 2/11/2015 11:47:25 PM
    ...and then explained why. By pointing out Destiny's core problems. ...but what's the difference? you admit there are problems? Why then are you attacking people who point them out? [spoiler]Kid.[/spoiler]

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  • It's like talking to a brick wall. You can't seem to grasp simple concepts. You can't even tell the difference between something that is recurring and something that is a one time payment without me having to spell it out for you. If you're bored with game, stop playing until the next DLC comes out. If you don't like the game, then stop playing. Constructive criticism is good, whining and threatening to quit is childish. Bungie appreciates feedback because they are a business that wants your money. They're only going to keep getting better and better. So like I said, calm your titties. Go find something else to do until you can enjoy the game again

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  • If that article wasn't constructive criticism, you better show me what is.

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  • Pretty sure he said if you've spent 400+ hours on the game and have nothing left to do you should move on...I'd assume that was his point.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 2/11/2015 4:27:02 PM
    Well that's a stupid point then.

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  • How so? I'm sure if people were guaranteed 400+ hours on a video game for $60 most people would happily buy it. Just because it is MMO-lite doesn't mean it's supposed to last forever and Bungie can't churn out content every week. His advice is to play another game, at least until HoW comes out. It makes sense to me...there isn't any other solution. TL:DR: if you don't like a game anymore, stop playing it. If you got your money's worth, then why complain?

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