I just wanted to my word out and say that I will be kicking anyone in my fire team that uses this "gally"-trash. It looks dumb and is maybe the biggest crutch for anyone. I will also be reporting anyone who uses it in crucible. It is a trash weapon and needs to be nerfed to the point to where it's wolf pack rounds are no use.
Edit 1: I would like to thank you all for the support you guys have been giving this thread.
Edit 2: Wow even more support! Thanks everyone ^~^ but if this thread gets around 400 comments I'll post a selfie ;3
Edit 3: Thank you everyone, we will show these Gally scrubs that their precious weapon is a huge crutch and they will be banned...here's link to another weapon that people should banned for using
Edit 4: 700 comments...Wow with this many people supporting the nerf of the gally, it'll probably be nerfed by the patch! Keep up the great work everyone ^w^
"The Gally is just another tool of oppression created by the Patriarchy. Creating gender inequality among female gamers. Making women have to rely on members of the white male patriarchy to be able to complete raids" -NemesisEP
Let's all knife crota lol!!!
Ima just leave this here lol
I'm guessing you are a girl? How pathetic that a woman cares this much about a weapon in a video game. I'm so glad my wife is a real woman and not some childish girl like you
I think it's funny you have over 1000 kills with the truth. :)
I second this and will be booting anyone from my fire team who brings anything other than an attack spork.
Lol How ridiculous. Just looted one last week after 500 hrs played or so, please believe I don't need it. But I'll be damned if I'm not gonna use it. Someone can kick me all they want, their loss
No, Wolfpack rounds are not super op in crucible, and I normally use an ib. But right now I'm trying to level my suros.
Another one mad they cant get a gally
First of all, I wouldn't be joining your fireteam for anything.... you're useless. Second, the jealousy is clearly strong with you. Third, "crutch" hilarious when the best is clearly the best. Fourth, you do not deserve it.
I have green weapons can I be on your fireteam?
Seriously, how old are you that you need to express your frustration of not having a weapon in a game by trying to insult and ruin other people's venues of their free time. You're just being immature and petty; kind of reminds me of my 5 year old niece. It's not a crutch, it's taking advantage of the weapon given to you. You're just intellectually inferior if you don't use the best to your advantage.
This has to be a troll. Booting people who are able to do the most amount of damage, because you're p*ssed you don't have the gun. I'm pretty sure using a gun isn't a reportable offense...good luck with that one :p
Yeah, I support this thread and will be reporting all ghorn users also
I giggled
I was about to rage until I saw the #feminism, then I realized I'd better keep my man-mouth shut. Wouldn't want to be sexist.
gr8 b8
Lol, someone is bitter.
RNGesus doesn't think I need a Ghorn. I've went since day one without it, I manage, it would be nice to have though. Dragons Breath is a nice substitute IMO.
so a 31 scrub with NO JELLY, and uses a universal remote shotgun as his primary... what a joke... so you are butthurt you can't get one??? who wants to be on your sorry ass team anyway??? GTFO scrub...
Oh -blam!- off... you little spiteful prick
Lel for you, I will find and ghorn you. Have a good day!
Bad b8 m8 I r8 0/8 Just bad
Lol can't believe so many angry children on here don't get that this is a troll post it's so obvious.
Dude, never go full retard
What's ridclious is how people in PVP camp with the gally!