First off, I just want too say I'm a big New Monarchy weapons and shaders fan. I have two of their shaders, and all the weapons except the rocket launcher, and the red hand unfortunately. Still waiting on the ship though, but I have plenty more ranks too burn through. Anyways, too the point. I was curious as to how many people prefer the V8 over other legendary Auto Rifles. I bought the one that the vendor sells, and honestly it wasent too hot.. But last weeks nightfall, I got another Vanquisher, this time with a stability perk, field scout, and third eye. It's pretty sweet! It now has a 42 round magazine, and the stability and radar perks really make a fine finish for this gun. What Perk rolls did you get for your Vanquisher?
Months later, I now have everything except the ship. One day, my friends. One day.
NM is love. I use V8 and Judgment 7(?) on my Titan and red hand on my Warlock, but I only receive bad rolls on my other weapons... Dreaming of a sniper with armor piercing rounds and good stability
What's wrong with the Red Hand?? I love mine! My go to HC!
Ooh, ooh, pick me!
Keep grinding for the red hand. If you get a decent roll it is by far one of my favorite hand cannons(raid hand cannons not included unless you get an amazing roll)
Only AR I've ever liked and used extensively. Dropped for me from a Nightfall about two weeks into TDB, with Glass Half Full and Stability perk. It's the only AR that's made me put away my beloved Vision of Confluence. Worked pretty well for during the last Iron Banner as well. Was lucky enough to have both Monte Carlo and Suros drop for me this week after beating Crota Norma and Atheon Hard, respectively, so the good 'ole V8 will go in the Vault for a bit.
It's weird how everybody's getting New Monarchy gear this week. I got my first vanquished from the nightfall. Coincidence? I think not...
Started levelling new monarchy this week just because of that gun
Edited by Dang lmao: 2/13/2015 7:12:23 AMGot my V8 from nightfall yesterday on my warlock. Range finder and increased stability, plus more increased stability from the 3 selectable perks. Can't wait to finish maxing it out. I don't even like PVP but I feel like it's going to be a monster. I still have my old Shadow Price, but I think this is gonna put it to rest real quick. Wish it had glass half full though. :((((
I do, I think it's the best auto tifle due to it's balance in a standard auto rifle and the Suros' stability
I've always like the v8. I keep getting them but I keep dismantling them as well. Hunting the perfect perks. My buddy got a field scout/crowd control model. So awesome, so jealous.
If you can grab the field scout perk then it's one of the best Legendary ARs
The one I got has almost the same stuff as the vendor one except mine has hammer forged. I love it
Just got a new one from a New Monarchy with Reactive reload, field scout and glass mag
Got the Unwilling Soul-09 in Nightfall, has Glass Half Full, Skip Rounds or High Caliber rounds and Counterbalance. I find it to be a lot better than the Vanquisher or Up for Anything.
I enjoy playing with up for anything just because of the magazine size. Wish I had a vanquisher with a big mag size.
Edited by Goldenmonkey360: 2/12/2015 8:34:23 PM"Should have had a V8" sorry couldn't resist... I love the gun though, it's my favorite auto rifle.
I've had 2 from drops, and I think I still have 1 buy never used it. How does it compare to other ARs, such as Suros or the good old Shadow Price?
It's been one of my favorite guns since the game came out, especially in PvP. Post DLC one with field scout is cool, but I do miss the perfect balance from pre-DLC.
Just got one from the nightfall with perfect balance and third eye as well, guess ill start leveling it up.
I like this gun, but cause, while it is an Auto, the RoF is not so high that your Impact is shit. The impact on this gun is barely less than that of Mida Multi-tool, which I love. i also enjoy Up for Anything also, but no where near the Vanquisher.
Yus. Only problem is the clip is too small so u need armor or something to increase reload speed. I often find my self with enough bullets to kill 1.5 people with one clip
Got the v8 right after the dlc was released from an engram I believe. It was my primary auto up until Abyss Defiant.
Bought the vendor version of the vanquisher and it is awesome for PVP but sucks in PVE
As evidenced by the latest nerf, this is exactly the type of auto rifle that bungie is trying to get rid of because "we don't use them like they want us to." If you have one hold onto it because, MARK MY WORDS, we will never see anything other than the lastest high rof, low impact garbage they've been pushing since TDB.
Persistence, send it, and glass half full. Pretty happy with mine
Field Scout and Perfect balance. Had a 300 one with Spray and Play and some other reload speed on kill perk. At the time i thought it was overkill (both were the perks you can't unselect/change) and wasn't too happy with it, but miss it and would trade it for the one i have now. With the gloves I could literally hit reload and punch a mob and it would have finished the reload, not be interrupted.