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2/10/2015 7:38:33 PM

A hopeful and fun wish list

In my opinion destiny is a wonderful shoot and loot type game that has so many unique weapons and armors and in my opinion one of the greatest, positive community. But with saying that it seems this game can evolve with improvements, features, and content. In this I'm hoping that the destiny community can post things that would be great to see happen in the world of destiny. Some of the things I hope to see in the future is more top tier armors to pick from so that each player has a sense of individuality. Let's face it, it's not fun to see a hoard of clones in different colors and one variation in armor. Another would have to be trading. If you get something awesome a second time ever notice that even though you don't want it you Pitty your friend that went to battle with you and both made it out though he got the short end of the loot? Well how about a system so that I can give him what he deserves for all his hard work? Anyways I can ramble on and on with fun ideas but let's hear from you guys! Thanks: False Saint166 (your crazy not so much of a saint, saint)

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