Secondary: Energy Bows (sniper range, charge the weapon to fire for max damage but hold too long and it fails)
Heavy: Laser Beam Weapon (the longer the weapon's beam is maintained on a target, the more damage it does)
Primary: Dual Wield Sub Machine Guns (high rate of fire, long reloads)
Whenever I see bows talked about in destiny it just makes me wanna go back and play warframe. (If you guys think destiny is a grind.. ooh hoh hoo try warframe) Hell if we got bows and a stealth component destiny would be warframe lite in first person.
I love this comment. Destiny grinding is nothing compared to warframe
It really isn't. Warframe grinds are painful. So unlike destiny where it just becomes more so of a bore.
Energy bows kinda like from gears? I've been thinking about that lately