Thanks Halfy,
There are lots of folks making resin cast replicas of the guns. I think a metal one would just be too heavy.
The 3D print files are out there.
Now if you mean take a real 45 and make that into a functioning Hawkmoon... well that would be seriously badass...
If it wasnt a metal hawkmoon i would not be interested lol it doesnt have to necessarily fire any projectiles, that way less chance of it being considered a real fire arm :) I can always pretend and make the sound myself haha
Yeah, that's probably why I don't have one of those cool TLW replicas floating around... resin is not metal. Hmm, if I got a resin one I could make a mold and cast em out of aluminum. I wonder if it would weigh enough out of aluminum? It would be the right color... Hmmm....