A true marksman uses the kostov damn scrubs...
I tried using black hammer for vog. Praetorians critical spots are too hard to hit, so I switched to icebreaker!
I uses both. #blackice
A true marksman uses a short gaze scope and blackhammer doesn't have one
I thought a true marksman uses No Land Beyond.
I know its a troll post, but i dont have black hammer so im stuck with things like ice breaker. Only weapon i wanted from normal crota, and its the only weapon i dont have
I like em booth and your right I suck at sniping. But it's a boss killer.
Okay. Any other thoughts, Helen Keller?
Ice Breaker is awful for pvp anyway
True marksman use whatever rifle they damn well like
Cool m8
Your mom uses black hammer...
I would but rngesus doesn't like me
Wouldn't say scrubs. I would say people use what they like to have fun with. I prefer bh but wouldn't make a presumptuous remark of someone's skill level based off weapons they use.
So try I hope to get 1 more BH then all toons have one,IB is retired in my vault and only the 1.
I would use BH if I had it \: