Hunter. People think that Hunters are just going to be snipers but with the Hunter flanking and stealthy kills seem easier compared to other classes
I want to be a Warlock because guns n' magic.
Titan. While I like being in the background sniping, Destiny is giving me that vibe that says,"We want you to be a badass." So I'll wanna be up close and personal. (The other classes are awesome too don't get me wrong)
Hunter because of my play style. I like to be quick in felling my enemies by using mid to long range precision and I do not like to go bum rushing into the action.
Titan most likely because its the tank and gets to get all the action. I like sniping but I like head on action with a planed out rout even better. My second class is hunter.
Initially I was going with the Hunter, but now I'm not so sure. The Warlock and Titan look better in my opinion, but I'm not entirely basing my choice on appearance.
I've heard that some titans are going to go around hunting for hunters. Target practice any one?
i also might be a titan....not sure sure yet
Edited by MickizM: 2/12/2014 8:05:10 AMIm not even going to think about what class/race etc i will be until the game releases. Theres to much unknown for me to lock myself into an initial character build yet. But its likely to be hunter or titan 1st & 2nd, with warlock as my 3rd build. Guns blazing or stealthy assassin appeal to me more than space magic atm.
Hunter is a balance between the two other classes, so a little bit of magic and a little power armor (Halo-style) couldn't hurt. Also the best class for my favorite playstyles: Stealth, Sniping, and Awesome.
Hunter because they look badass
Awoken Warlock. Space magic comes from the traveler, and Awoken are describes as "exotic, beautiful and mysterious," it seems like a good combination; like an Asari Biotic....
I'm thinking I will be either a human Hunter or an Exo Titan. I'm waiting to see more on the race development. I'm most likely going for the Hunter because of the stealth tactics. I like being able to pick people off at a range or up close and personal with blades.
Hunters because they look awesome and play awesome
Edited by Goodgold007: 2/4/2014 1:21:18 PMExo or Human Hunter because it fits how I like to play stealthy, and dealing massive raw damage from a distance.
I want to be a Human Hunter cuz I think humans are the best and I like the hunters supers and how he looks like an Assassin lol
Strategic explosives
I will be a Hunter :)
I like being up close and personal when it comes to killing.
Edited by Hollow Viper77: 1/27/2014 12:04:49 AMHuman Warlock, it fits how I play games. The mid range, gotta love that space magic as well. (Yay I'm the minority.)
My first choice will be the hunter the robes, pistols and the agile/stealth look to him has me bought. I will follow up with a Titan he is a very close second to me his knight like look and overall badassery make him look like a force to be reckoned with. Seeing the resent polls it doesn't seem many people want to play as him.
Titan i want to laugh in my enemies face as i gut them
Titan because it looks the best.
Exo Warlock, I love to deal AOE damage and attacks like that.