originally posted in:Pokémon Central
What's Your Favorite Pokemon?
(if you say Pikachu I'll love you)
1. Luxray 2. Gigalith 3. Swampert 4. Blaziken 5. Gardevoir. 6. Sceptile 7. Genesect 8. Gengar 9. Absol 10. Manectric
Probably bulbasuar just cause it was my first ever choice in Pokémon blue
Edited by boomerbub: 7/13/2015 4:42:01 AMProbably Mew... Mainly because when i collected pokemon cards Mew was probably the rarest. In total i got like 120 Ex, lvl X, or full arts. And about 9 Mews. I haven't collected in a couple years but every now and then i buy a pack just because. But otherwise i really like Gengar, Rayquaza, Rotom, and Garchomp
Torterra. My first level 100. ahhhh memories
Pokemon is for manchildren. Grow up you figs. [spoiler]gengar.[/spoiler]
Lapras, that thing is a physical tank and special heavy hitter.
Bulbasaur will always b my starter
Edited by Cyanide: 7/13/2015 2:48:02 AMEeveelutions
Human female. They're legendary, and can only be found in the dream world.
Edited by Kenobi: 7/11/2015 6:07:27 AM1. Charizard 2. Sceptile 3. Infernape 4. Torterra 5. Espeon
Blaziken all the way
Sudowudo the fake wood or dildo pokemon
Shaymin all the way
Edited by U9775266: 7/10/2015 12:28:30 AMmew i dont remember how its spelled it was the super rare pokemon im the only one of my friends to get him
[b][i]YO MOMMA'S DICK![/i][/b]
Gyarados, with Zoroark in close second
Snorlax, Scyther or Umbreon. Can't decide
Pokemon sucks[spoiler]deeez nutzzzz[/spoiler]