originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
I know we have new item(s) (Equipable emote, Artifact, etc), which are just additional fields so I don't foresee that breaking anything.
In Platform/Destiny/Account we have (assuming in a random character block - [data][characters])
- Under [LevelProgression][level], we have a value that corresponds to the amount of times you've earned a mote of light via experience. I use this to create a fake "true level", showing the amount of times you have leveled post 20. I assume this value will still increment for motes of light earned post level 40?
- We have [i]characterLevel [/i]& [i]powerLevel[/i], still not sure what the difference is between those. Since one of those is current light in our 1.x game, I assume one of those (or an additional field) will have our new light value?
Good questions! There are a few mechanics that will be working differently than they used to in Destiny 1.0: ** Character and Light Level ** Yes, so characterLevel is going to be the character's actual level - powerLevel we will consider to be deprecated, but for the forseeable future it will have your character's "light stat", which is the new way of measuring light that has nothing to do with the character's level (but is rather a weighted average of all of the stats of items you're wearing). The "official" way to get at light stat will be in the character's .stats property along with the other character-level stats. levelprogression.level will now only be for the character's actual XP-based level: the notion of light levels will be removed in entirety! ** Quests and Bounties ** There will be a new structure and set of definitions, "Objectives", that will now be driving both Quests and Bounties. Bounty items will still exist, but instead of having "Progression" they will have an "Objectives". property. The details of this data will be coming soon(tm), we're still iterating on exactly how we want this to appear for your use, but in many ways it will be both more complex and (hopefully) more useful than the "progression" property's information. "progression" will still be populated for items that have talent nodes. ** GetDestinyAccountSummary ** If you have been using this experimental service, check the other threads - it is being renamed and some functionality is being altered for when it is finally "officially" put into use. I will attempt to keep this forum updated if further backcompat issues emerge.
SetLockState seems to have changed. It now returns an error. setlockstate error: { "Response":0, "ErrorCode":1619, "ThrottleSeconds":0, "ErrorStatus":"DestinyInvalidAction", "Message":"You are not allowed to perform that action.", "MessageData":{} }