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originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Edited by mdwil214: 2/27/2014 9:26:14 PM

Release #1: Backstory and rough mechanic planning (critique me ;) )

before I get into technical details let me give you a story :) (in the spoiler if you don't care about story) [spoiler] The year? Everyone stopped counting. The world? So overpopulated we started building up, layers of metal over metal. If you're poor you never see the sun. The elite control everything from essentials like food and medicine to things like bed sheets. Some of the unfortunate have begun to evolve into pale creatures of un-seen-of power. What causes this? Well this is what I want to find out. This corruption.This world just doesn't seem real anymore. The events that happen on a daily basis are going to force us into a civil war. The mutated underground versus everyday life on the surface of "The divide" (layers upon layers built above the soil of the earth to contain the worlds population). If we cannot find a solution the above world will be destroyed. You may think this would benefit all of us, but without our production everyone would starve and freeze. Everything will die. The underground has been the only thing I have known. The surface is the only thing I have ever known. My parents tell me the underground is unsafe. I hear the rumors. The authority are always making trips down there with "necessary materials". They wear haz-mat gear. What can me so essential, but so deadly? I don't know what's going on, but I hear sounds in the night, and when I ask about them my parents tell me to mind myself. I am a traveler. I roam the undergrounds and the surface. Things are bad on both sides and no one understands why. Things are coming together though. Slowly. Some people have gone their entire lives in the underground and they don't even know how many levels there are. Above "the divide" (the levels that become habitable) there are 5 levels that are relatively safe to live on. "Undesirables" (the mutated) still make it up there, but they roam through alleys and ducts. Below "the divide" there are 50 levels. All hazardous to human life. The surface is barely habitable. If you leave an oxygenated zone you will start to suffocate. Oxygen is thin and/or non-existent. Most of the former landmarks have been excavated for the precious dirt and minerals. All oceans are gone. The water is recycled and used in all systems from irrigation to cooling nuclear vents. It is also rationed out to "everyone" (if you live below the divide you get a synthesized-hydrogenated juice). The true surface isn't as safe as I wish it could be. The authority. They made life what it is today. They are the "elite". They are our destroyers. Their power is unstoppable by any [i]human[/i] means. We need people from all walks of life if the revolution is to succeed. The undesirables are on the move. How they think, How they work. I have no clue, but we will all see if they will strike with us, or devour us all. Authority. Our power is infinite. Our control is definite. If you defy us. You will... Die *smirks ironically* (he knows the truth). We are led by the "divine light". What we do is for the glory of our brethren. Humanity. If it wishes to survive. Will follow us. The guiding light will not let us falter. We will destroy all impure. We will "cleanse" you all. [/spoiler] It's a bit rough, but its a place to start (open to revision). Now for the technical and classification stuff :D [spoiler] First of all I want to specify that this is a 2D sidescroller with open world elements, and now for mechanics: -we have implemented a character system that lets us create complex 2d character rigs for example - we can connect different 2d objects at joints that means we dont have to sprite every movement but instead we can sprite subtle details that create an illusion of high complex living entities while joints perform all the basic rotation and movement needed for characters -shooter with multiple weapons (maybe some crafting sounds fun :D ) -rigs allow us to make awesome climbing features and ragdolls -AI characters (of course gotta be able to shoot something) -character types (differing skills and attributes) -enemy types (like tons games need variety) -interesting story (maybe XD depends on your opinion) -various types of maps for movement options and various combat situations -and anything you guys would like to see (repettative shooters can be annoying so I want you guys to have fun :D [/spoiler] some of this I'll have to run by my programmer because the is the beginning stages I'm basically doing some conception work by myself so he can keep working on his stuff :D Gamejolt page: (drastically in need of an update current games on there are very old versions of the engine) And if you aren't familiar with us here is the original introduction thread: Good news: Faxxy agrees and everything should go into work soon

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