alright - count me in please. Dont mind what start time as i just got a pass from the Mrs. I must have upset her or something!.
Can I bring bring my 34 hunter along into alcoholics got a bottle of makers mark and a full evening on my own
Hey could you Sub me for rehab at 10.00 please mate , gotta rohypnol the mrs haha
Come on people - join for the 10pm
I'm out, I just have to say that.... (sentimental blah, blah, bkah) ( Woups, not entirely sober right now either) YEAH, drunk and sentimental, thinking about how Twisterphil's Fridays has been a light in the abyss of a mild, moist and dark winter. Thanks a lot everybody for putting a silver lining on my winter weeks. My mates are soo fakking tired of me being positive. Tuesday! Reset and raiding with Pigs. Friday! Getting pissed and screaming "I am also a physicist", jump out, trying to Superman while a defender at the Jumping puzzle. Yeah, thanks everyone in team "Alcoholic" I look forward to many more.
Can we make it a NLB only run? Can we? Can we? Guess who's just dropped it! It's a piece of shit, but it's my piece of shit! It's so bad I love it <3
I'm in
Rehab for me please
I'm up for some alcoholics action!
If the servers behave themselves this week I'm in
08:30 start please W33
Steve031068 - Rehab please 34W/T/H
will have to give it a miss this week phil, up early doors for work on Sat, will resume the drunkenness next week though