Damn servers last night, missed out on the alco's run. Shamefully joined another team just as they dropped the Templar and picked up Red Death from the Gorgon chest... and it was the only exotic that dropped. Ooops!
Can I have some rehab too please Might be a wee bit after ten depending on any taxi runs Cheers
Up for alcoholics!
Sign me up for Fireteam 2 please.
Hi Twister, could you put myself and Elcallo down for some rehab please? thanks mate
Could I get into the rehab team please matey
I'm down for some rehab please.
Can you stick me down for a place , an 08:30 start would be good
I'm about but up early on Sat for golf club champs so wouldn't be a late one for me again.
If this is the week I drop my Vex, I'm in