originally posted in:League of Legends
[url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/arm-yourself-lucian-purifier]Full Article[/url].
This looks like a super fun AD carry, I've always been a huge fan of high mobillity champs, but damn. He seems to bring the dual wielding gunslinger archetype to life nicely, with strafing and huge barrages of shots. I wonder what his big drawback is, he's probably squishy as hell.
Please Discuss and Thank You.
I thought you meant to mention my Lord Lucifer. The Morning Star. :(
Could do with an attack speed boost, and his standard attack is very weak to start off with. Ulti is brilliant when used at the right time though, good for double and triple kills.
played him in the PBE. He is a cool champion and fun to play but I don't see him becoming like Thresh.
Here is essay: LoL is a poorly made game. The driving force behind it is money. Riot games is a shady company(http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1hyk77/so_i_was_sorting_some_old_emails/caz8uv4.) The game itself was a rip off of the popular DotA mod for WC3. LoL is a bad game. One thing about many games in today’s F2P market, is one can pay extra to advance at a faster rate than others. This is not absent in LoL, it can be in fact a deciding factor in matches. New champions are churned out at an alarming rate, reducing originality. There are also cosmetic items that don’t affect gameplay in any way, that fetch prices of up to 25 dollars. Riot bought out former DotA community members (see: Pendragon) Marketing was also used in attempt to put competitors out of the business as opposed to showing others what Riot did (http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8025/copyofdsc01117.jpg). Parent Company Tencent spread lies about the price of Dota 2 (free to play) (http://dotaland.net/2012/12/09/tencent-posts-an-article-on-qq-com-flaming-dota2-quickly-removes-it-but-not-before-dota-uuu9-com-posts-a-counter-flame/).Riot tried to file a trademark for DotA in order to prevent Valve from using it. (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/19/riot-games-counter-files-for-dota-trademark/). Riot’s bad side continues to show in the world of E-sports. They bought out Dreamhack. They also have exclusivity agreements and went so far as to attempt to ban LoL teams from Riot sposored events if they had a team in a LoL competitor (http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=366477) Now onto gameplay. Champions in LoL follow many cookie cutter designs. There is little punishment for being bad (free back to base TP.) There is no inherent punishment for death. Gaining map control isn’t awarded well, because of the amount of passive gold that is gained. LoL is a poorly made game made by a true shitlord of a gaming company. Most of what Riot does is for money, not for fans, and constantly pisses off everyone. LoL is a cookie cutter DotA style game, and does not deserve the attention it gets.
LoL is a poorly made game.
A new AD carry, you say? I might have to start playing again.
Seems good. I'm playing ARAM right now. When is he supposed to be released?
He and Quinn are my favorites thusfar. I love mobile ADCs. The dual pistols aesthetic is pretty boss though.