Team Last Gents
"Edgar is the one in the hole"
originally posted in:Team Last Gents
So i found a bounty that would in the end give me an exotic weapon, The Thorn Hand Cannon. It was a multistep bounty, kinda hard, but now i am at the last step. I need to kill a specific witch that spawns on a lvl 26 strike while a huge boss in the end is trying to kill me :P . Aaaannd it takes time even to spawn the guy, you need to dogde the boss for about 10 minutes before he appears. So pleeeeeeeeeeaase if anyone can help with this specific strike add me on xbox and message me when we can do the strike. GT is GormitarasGR. Guardian in need guys. Please sent help.
P.S. The strike is the one in the moon but is a lvl 26 variant with epic on ( more enemies, more aggresive, more shields)
P.S. 2 I don't have a working mic :/ sorry