originally posted in:Liberty Hub
I've linked a video. For purposes of discussion, I ask you to watch from about 38:12 to 44:00. It's a small segment, but it's moving.
Anybody who tells you that libertarians (or any supporter of liberty, for that matter) are violent is selling you lies. The spine of libertarianism is that it is immoral to act violently against others - that it is wrong to use force against fellow humans. We have other principles, sure, and we disagree with each other. Some libertarians are more libertarian than others. However, every libertarian will tell you that it is wrong to use violence against others. It's the defining part of the movement.
Any advocate for increased state power is an advocate for violence - violence against you and me.
If you're interested, watch all the way to 46:20.
I'd honestly consider myself a moderate Libertarian. The main points of the Libertarian platform I disagree with involve education, since I believe that actual freedom means having the proper education to formulate an intelligent point of view yourself. That being said, both the Republican and Democratic parties are way too far up their own ass, and voting for either of them just continues the cluster-blam!- of bipartisan American politics.
You know everything isn't as black and white as you make it, which is quite annoying. Fundamentally America along with other European countries are democracies, the people can take away 'freedoms' if the majority feels like doing so; if you have a problem with it you go to Texas and leave the U.S. start your anarchical oligarchy and piss off.
Edited by Ian MacKaye: 6/26/2016 8:26:40 AMHow do you foresee a world where there are no regulations on food and medicine? I know libertarians want to live in a fantasy land where capitalism never crashes, and markets solve every problem but that omits historical facts. What you're asking is a world run by the upper elite, in which you hold no power whatsoever because there is no government. I don't want that world. Liberty to me is not freedom from all government.