originally posted in:Order of The Coming Storm
Sup Guys.
Just bought my PS4 and need to add new Ps4 friends to help with Daily's, Raids and completting the new TTK quests :)
Send me a Friend invite or leave your name and I will add you.
Hey guys new to this community need some destiny friends my psn is the_sigit
Deebster4 I have a 296 warlock
Hey you can add me its Fayt912
Hit me up dropthenuk. I want to do the weekly
[quote]Sup Guys. Just bought my PS4 and need to add new Ps4 friends to help with Daily's, Raids and completting the new TTK quests :) Send me a Friend invite or leave your name and I will add you.[/quote]
Vittoriocalvius add me up :) ps4
Hello I'm on ps4 add me at chunkaybunkles
Add me ps3 slayer_da_best
Hello I am new to groups my friends leave me out of everything so I am looking to make new friends on Xbox
Feel free to add me for dailies. Psn: xioungshou
Feel free to add me revo3603 on right now anyone wants to play
Dubzy_p picking up TTK this week!
Add me on ps4: A7X-and-HU
Add me James2942 light lvl 287 Titan. I like beer, long walks on the beach, and cool fall evenings.
Add me for in the near future :) psn: houseatlantic88
You can add me 210 light void
PSN LameErc Titan light 291
Add fatmoos 👍🏻
Hey I'm new too, add me! Skwuish
Add NewGuy13.
Add XxDarkChampxX906
PSN Starlord43