Also for any here who has seen The Boondock Saints I just have to say... 'I'm sure the word you are looking for is Symbolism, what is the Ssssymbolism there'
It is art in the same way that things can be appreciated and enjoyed. For me though it's the immersion in games that does more for it than other mediums (maybe also books). It has the ability to draw you in make you feel like a character and world is yours and that has made a profound difference. I know people who just can't understand when I explain how I can play for hours at a time and generally it's immersion and gameplay that do it every time.
It all depends on what's your interpretation of Art is I suppose. I say all game's are a art form in themselves just as you would class a Movie being the closets example to how the mainstream define the word. Another view point on the subject. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-16-who-framed-roger-ebert