Alright I'm done discussing competitive playing and ranking systems with someone whose probably never even played competitively. No system will be perfect, you're a dumbass if you think there will ever be one. Respond if you want but you won't get another.
I have played in CoD in the competitive lists and in halo 3's ranked lists. and used to play Mech Warrior comeptitively.. so I have done the above. It will never be as serious in this game as some people think it should. Until a system is perfect and cannot be cheated the stats in that system are pointless and do not tell how good a player really is, just how good they might be at certain times. You are the dumbass if you believe anything but that.
So what you're telling us, is that the ranking system that the NFL uses to select draft picks is good, right? Or the system they use to determine the highest ranking players in the league for this or that stat such as rushing yards means that the top player in that stat is the best at it? Tell me then, why top ranked players (namely quarterbacks) are notorious for either never making it to the championship game or the Superbowl, or how number one draft picks end up with crap reps after their first season? Simple answer: there are way too many variables for "stats" to determine how good a player is. They could get injured, their team could suck, they might not synergize with an otherwise great team, they may have an entirely different play style...etc. too much that can't be measured in numbers to take into account.