you're an idiot. Even if it was worth the time to stop and camp (it's not) bungie would patch it in two days, because of a-holes like you. Rahool is useless, because of a-holes like you. the RNG is worthless, because of a-holes like you. You know why Rahool only gives out rare engrams (he used to hand out legendary) for each level increase?
because cause of f***ing a-holes like you.
Thanks for ruining everything.
I always get legendary so it's just you.
I still get legendaries maybe every one out of 5 or 10 but it does go slow since the cryptarch rep nerf. Still one of the dumbest nerfs in this game...
You mean as compared to the fact I've gotten more legendaries from blue engrams than legendaries from strikes, nightfalls, and legendary engrams since launch? lol
Got 3 legendarys from blue engrams this week
Rahool still gives out purples. I got one an hour ago. Turned into an exotic as well. Got lucky I guess.
Got one early this morning. Unfortunately, it was the warlock legendary chest sold by Ikora. I have a fully leveled CE chest (plus fully leveled Voidfang in my vault). Sharded.
I haven't gotten purples from a Cryptarch rank up in probably a month. And when I did it turned into mats. I would really love for Bungie to give us a means to convert from one class material to another. Since my Warlock was my first character, I have something like 450 Hydronic Essences. I'm still struggling with plasteel plating and sapphire wire. If I could just convert those hundreds of warlock mats, I'd be much happier.
french fries were included in that engram? ~~