Hi, managed to solo the abyss on titan with no super used, and the ogre didn't hit me (close tho lol). I used a different rock then most to shoot from as it gives me a little more time to shoot before ogres hits. Blackhammer was used and imo essential, ice breaker / ghorn would work good I think, but I don't have ghorn.
Problem with icebreaker is that it takes more than 6 head shots to kill ogre.
Warlock version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEUUPD3U390
Will make hunter version soon.
awesome, would you be up for completing the hard raid with me and two others? we are one lvl 32 warlock, one lvl 32 titan, and one lvl 31 titan. we've done normal a few times and are quite experienced. my GT : DanTheIrishMan1