How did it glitch? I haven't run into many glitches Crota hard. Oversoul popping isn't s glitch. Lol
Sometime it glitch.. Sword disappear.. Boomer appears on the bottom... Crota goes from 0 shield to full shield instantly even after sending 4 Gjallarhorn missile with constant suppression fire.... Ogre not spawn on time even after Crota moves back to mid after second sword... Gatekeeper camp left stairs with swordbearer sometime and it will even chase after you into the middle room you start out in... Crota still somehow kills you while he's still on his knee... These are shit I've seen... We beaten him though but the glitch are a pain in the ass when you encounter it...
they usually don't glitch I'm starting to find out most people blame it on bunjie when they die. Saw the sword bearer get killed by boomers and the first thing cam out of boomer duty guys mouth "yeah this raid glitches like that sometimes"