[b] Bungie why would you punish all the new and some old players (like myself) by removing the EV-30 tumbler DLC offer.
This is unfair and is actually counterproductive to your overall goal MONEY think about it Bungie the EV-30 Tumbler is another plus of buying DLC meaning more people would buy the DLC meaning MORE MONEY FOR YOU. People please don't let Bungie do this to us. Bump this message , don't buy DLC until they give back this sparrow
Bungie if your reading this give us back this offer
Thanks for reading[/b]
Bungie can't do a single thing without people complaining. It's been stated for so long that the Tumbler would only be available until January 15th, why would it be fair for people to buy the DLC on March 9th, right before HoW's comes out and still get the Tumbler? Why not reward the people that believed in Destiny and purchased the DLC at a way earlier date.... I honestly don't get some people on the forums.