[url=http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/01/14/after-satanists-planned-to-give-away-coloring-books-florida-school-board-halts-religious-distributions-entirely/]-School board tells churches they can donate bibles for students to take if they want.
-Skirts legality issues by technically allowing anyone to donate books.
-Heavily censors the books the atheists want to donate.
-Atheists take it to court
-School board agrees to let anyone donate books to get lawsuit dropped
-Doesn't tell atheists.
-Satanists see that the school agreed to let anyone donate books.
-Satanists donate satanic coloring books.
-School board stops taking any books from religious denominations.[/url]
I love the Satanist movement, they are the ultimate trolls