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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
1/12/2015 6:40:16 AM
OK... There's so many things wrong with this post i can't begin to count them... Oh wait, yes I can. There's 3. 1. You're comparing someone who's simply stating glitches and cheese in an attempt to make a highly entertaining game work better to a horrible person who was responsible for the gruesome deaths of thousands of men, women, and children and one of the largest wars in history in a frankly insulting manner, particularly to people of certain ethnic groups. 2.If the author has such a "holier than though" attitude(which I'll admit I can see why you'd say that), it's most likely unintentional. He's probably just trying to improve on the game he loves. 3. Wasn't everyone rooting for Darth Vader in Star Wars(well, maybe second to Hans Solo.)? Next time you try to state your own opinions you might try to say it in a slightly more respectful and/or considerate way. Maybe that sounds hypocritical to you. I don't think any of this was. But I digress. Here's a link in case you couldn't understand some of the bigger words I used:

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