Considering that the Crucible represents only one half of this game, why is it that 4 out of the 5 Tower vendors require Crucible marks/commendations? If a guy like me hates the Crucible and wants to avoid PvP, then I'm restricted to the weapons and armor from the Vanguard?
If any of the 3 factions have gear that I want, I have to suffer through the Crucible and hope I don't get frustrated enough to smash my headset against the wall. I bought this game so I could enjoy the PvE content, which is still HALF of the game, isn't it?
Stop trying to coerce me to play your crappy Crucible, Bungie. It's not cool.
I agree. I would go a step further and combine marks into one type. This way you could earn up to 200 a week or just 100 if you avoid one side or the other. Until Destiny adds PvP and PvE specific items, it makes no sense to force the Crucible on to everyone IF we want to buy items from the default vendors.
Or you can do the raid and get the best gear.
I have felt this way from the start. And just wait until you get the hate. They will say "You must suck at pvp then". Why not just make a universal monetary system?