Do 37 public events on Earth (gold rating & use public event tracker to find these). Those will give you enough vanguard marks to buy a legendary gun. If you do just one event a day then the gun is yours in 37 days. For a piece of armour you need 75 Vanguard marks so that will take just 19 public events, so 19 days.
You also need to do enough patrols to get to vanguard level 2 to be able to buy the armour or level 3 to buy the guns.
But if you see public events and patrols as too much of a grind then I guess you have already got the most you can get out of the game and it's time to move on.
Forgot to add that you also get a package from the postmaster for the first daily public events - this gives you an extra 2 vanguard marks - so its even quicker than what I wrote above if you just do one event a day - you also get a coin or mote of light from the post master and occasional shards and energies just after the public event ends.
Did you forget about the weekly mark cap? It takes 37 public events ACROSS TWO WEEKS to buy a gun from the vendor.
It takes 37 days lol that's more than two weeks
Yeah, it takes 37 days IF you do one public event EVERY DAY. And to do one each day seems kinda inefficient, dont ya think?
To you maybe but to they guy who hates grinding maybe it's just right? And I was addressing you about the cap which he won't even hit
It is inefficient, just accept it. In 37 days you would get a lot of exotics and legendaries and maybe even the one you were grinding for. This game is also all about the grind, so there's always that option to stop playing this game.
That's an opinion bro but I'm done debating