Having played destiny since day one, and checking its forums at least once a week, I have seen and heard many things.
I have seen pumpkins on heads, two guys beat Atheon on hard, and corpses rain from the sky in the tower. I have heard legends of VOG chests, countless "You play destiny too much if..." jokes, and many strange encounters with a noob-kind.
But never did I expect to have to put up with so many children.
I don't care how old you truly are, but when I read your post/comemts or watch your hate videos about "DLCs shouldn't be bought" or "Where's my gift?" and stuff like that, I imagine you as a obnoxious child complaining. Because that what you are.
I remember when the forum was full of funny videos and stories about Randall and dumb stuff like. I remember when the forum was a formidable game manual with tips and how-tos. I remember when we actually used these forums and when I actually liked reading it!
But no, now it's filled with "I hate you Deej" and covered in cheese.
Well guess what destiny forum-ers (if that's even your real name. Should be more like Destiny whiners :p )...
You have scared away all the cool people who play this game and have meaningful input to share. Now people like that just mostly stay quite and in patrol mode because they don't wanna deal with anyone. Or they have to include "EDIT: plz no hate comments. Only meaningful comments"
But enough is enough! So gather 'round if you still want to keep these forums meaningful and funny and whiner-free. Join me brothers and sister! Let us join arms and and shut these whiners up! Let us declare this adultswim and kick these babies out of the bungie-pool. LETS PUSH THEM BACK INTO THE DARK DEPTHS OF THE COMPLAINT SECTION FROM WHICH THEY CAME.
No longer will our eyes and ears have to suffer their wretched woes. No longer will we have to scour the forums for funny things and beneficial information. No longer will we be afraid to fly the banner of "I actually think you're a cool guy Deej and appreciate you as a person". No longer will we be afraid to say "I LUV U BUNGIE". WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO BUMP THIS TO THE TOP AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS?
*leads battle charge*
AMEN!!!!! (Follows recklessly after)