First how do you compare stealing to cheating, totally different...
So when I'm in the middle of a strike, crucible match or raid. And I get Disconnected with error codes that were meant to be fixed weeks ago. And I lose all the loot I was supposed to receive. Technically bungie is stealing from me... That's what your saying right...
All the times I have lost loot is down to an issue with the game. I did not come to the forums to bitch and moan every time I get DCd... Tell me why you are here moaning about the issues that the devs have with their game. Tell me why you are not here offering to help people learn how to kill Crota legitimately, would that not be worth more of your time that replying to abusive messages. Do you spitefully want these people to be banned? For what? Does it benefit you?
Get a grip!
You should keep trying to justify something that's against both XBL and PSN ToS.
Amen brother. Last thing they're going to do is ban people after this whole network issue is going on with Lizard Squad.
3rd bullet down on the XBL contract. Do not exploit game vulnerabilities. Has nothing to do with stealing.