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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
Edited by JerkStoleMyName: 12/20/2014 3:19:26 PM
I'm going to resonate something someone else said, which is that, instead of worrying about glitches that players are going to exploit, your concern should be on game mechanics that haven't so much as been addressed in writing, let alone fixed yet. There are dozens of level-specific issues, some already listed elsewhere, so I won't do so again. I've written about general ones in my own threads, such as the sprint screwing up and not working for several seconds. Or how about the completely amateur mess-up of not allowing users to skip the cut scenes, which, if you consider how often we have to replay missions, would be a GREATLY appreciated addition. How about [i]actually[/i] balancing the Crucible. Or we can talk about things that simply don't make sense. How does it make sense to allow players to buy their way up to level 31? Have they even stopped to consider what this does to the game? VoG becomes almost useless. There's absolutely no reason or incentive to even do it. Screw that, just work on the new raid. The gear is better, anyway. And why not make universal consumables and materials totally universal, rather than having to trade them back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, without any way to split a stack of items. Truth is, these are the things that gamers should be creating posts about over and over and over again until Bungie decides to listen. Going through the effort to report the exploits--when you haven't even attempted the raid--makes you look extremely ignorant. It isn't your responsibility or prerogative to do so. These issues are Bungie's. As a gamer, trying to tell others how they have to play is both presumptuous and offensive. If you want to do it legit, then no one is stopping you, and no amount of patching will change the game for you. You're duping yourself if you think that the quality of the items change depending on how they are obtained. Is there really a difference between buying an Icebreaker and getting one as a drop? I got mine as a drop, but if I hadn't, I would've bought it from Xur. Is the value any different? Not at all. Fact is, the value of any item is determined by the user of that item, especially as there is no trading system, and so no global value scheme. I prefer scout rifles, someone else prefers hand cannons. Their values are determined by their wielders. Lastly, it's not for you to decide how anyone should feel in regard to obtaining gear. That, as with before, is presumptuous and insulting. Bottom line is that it's a game, and in the grand scheme there's no real challenge to obtaining stuff. Actually, there's nothing to even obtain: it's all digital, and none of it even exists. So all that is required is enough time and patience. Do not think that you have any right to tell me or anyone else how we should feel when we get gear. That's not your call. Period. So if you're going to do anything, then do something--point out and discuss things--that might contribute to actually fixing the game. Glitches in raids do not fit this criteria. Broken mechanics, poor balancing, missing content, and missing features do.

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