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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
12/19/2014 7:46:51 PM
in my opinion, glitch if you want or dont. they have made it very clear that even if you dont glitch, they will end up giving you stuff in the end that is better and stronger anyway. how many people here did vog for weeks on hard (cheesed or not) just to get the head piece on hard to try and be lvl 30, only to be disappointed to see that you could buy gear to go up to and beyond lvl 30 after the expansion??? truth is, they seem to have set a pattern. there will be cheesers, grinders, elites, and such. everyone plays the game in their own way. why should it be "fixed" or "patched" just because you saw a youtube video about how people did the vog with only two people or soloed crota. i think that should reflect skill, dedication, and persistence in defeating and quite possibly mastering a raid. the classic "you mad bro" seems fitting for this post. ive done things both legit and cheesed. when i am in the mood to really play and have fun with friends, ill do it legit. when i dont have time for it, ill cheese. more often than not (considering i may be the unluckiest person for drop rates from raids, engrams, crucible, and beyond...thats a different rant)...i like to play legit. when someone finds a cheese, i think that its awesome that they even came up with the idea or randomly found it like that. i do not care for punctuation and proper capitalization but i do speak honestly here and thats probably why you are reading more. the most annoying thing to me is not having control over xur and what he sells and how often he sells. i was not fortunate enough to own this game before the icebreaker was being sold. people constantly waving around their icebreakers like oh you dont have one...well i would if i could get a drop for once in my game on crucible or nightfall or weekly heroics but you know i still find a way to play and enjoy it. i will tell you right now, its because of whiny people like you that piss me off because im sure you have everything since the beginning and yet you complain that there are cheeses. try playing knowing you have to buy everything because no matter if you play week by week nighfalls/heroics, play so many different crucible type games, and consistently cant get more than a friggin mote of light or strange coin as a drop while some dbag who is flying around on a sparrow on control basically committing suicide gets an exotic weapon/armor as a drop with a k/d of 0.14 .......then talk to me. xur is a completely different rant that i will not even cover any more about crucible is an atrocious knife in the neck that has no rhyme or reason on the drop rate (and if so please do tell with facts not suspicions) oh and hey if you havent noticed the most annoying thing that needs to be patched more than anything is when you are playing and the game freezes so hard you have to go to the home screen and quit the game in order to play WHICH btw is really awesome when you are playing a nightfall solo like a boss and have no checkpoints to go back to and have to redo (let alone the stupid error codes like mongoose, hive, pineapple, and who the hell knows whatever stupid name they try and play off as a joke) or even public events which you know very well you'll never make it back in time and i personally do not want to go to the destiny public events site to be that crazy over when they happen. maybe if we do what kotaku has said in the past and stop pre-ordering half a** completed games (which essentially states as a gamer that we dont care if its finished or not, heres my money i want it now...putting pressure on them to produce it on time rather than making sure it works) we wont have to worry about things like this...i can only imagine the assassins creed rants over the glitches and pure mechanics of the game that do not work. if you think im wrong. pop in your super mario games on your SNES and tell me if you, back when it was first made, heard that you cant finish the game because its broken...would you still buy it??? please dont tell people how to play or what to fix. this game is already very broken. im sorry that you feel cheesing is wrong but imo again, had they made a finished expansion/game, then you wouldnt have so many complaints in general and on that note... if there is a cheese to get an icebreaker/gjallahorn i am totally doing it

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  • You must have missed it But I have no problem with people who cheese. I've cheesed myself. I'd just rather Bungie patch these exploits so that they don't end up nerfing the necrochasm like they nerfed VM because so many people got it. The only time I actively complain about cheesing is if i'm helping people with a raid and they decide they would rather cheese it then learn the mechanics of the raid.

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  • understood but then again, if they didnt want people to play a certain way than they should have tested and retested things and ideas and maybe different focus gamer groups before releasing the game. in the vog, why make pillars close enough for people to jump onto at the orcales/templar if you do not people to jump on them and use them? solution maybe make the pillars farther out of reach but close enough for the snipers to shoot at you or if it is a gaming code issue based off those snipers not being able to engage you because they are too far away to engage, than make a new enemy that can react to your presence from a farther distance. these (to me) are no brainers and yet because they are trying to have the game played a certain way is ludicrous. people do not play one way. if they wanted us all to play in their vision then why play? imagine if speed runners were not aloud to complete the game in a certain time or it would blow their system up? thats seems a little drastic but take it into thought. they should not restrict players from playing in any way they want once they release it UNLESS its pure mechanics of the game that restrict you from completing the game. once its it released it should just be left alone. thats just my personal opinion. if they take the time to make things right then people wouldnt complain as much. i still will cheese the icebreaker if i can figure it out lol dont take this personal (although i did get personal before during my rant because of the heated disgust of the under developed game) its just my frustration that is annoying me how companies can get away with this and make millions. its not the frustration i like either like the frustration i like in dark souls series. this is just plain frustration

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