I've been to about 4-5 pugs from lfg.net and everytime we go in there, EVERYONE wants to glitch or exploit every boss encounter.
1. Glitch the bridge
2. Die and self res at gatekeeper, done in 5mins...
3. Skip shielded room by finding crota checkpoint, done and done
4. Die and self rez to negate no health regen- yea like this was even an issue
5. Have leader d/c when crota is kneeling down- really? you guys suck so bad you need to exploit this?
I hear this garbage over and over in every pug I join. My question is, how the F do you guys sleep at night knowing you are cheating on this very simple instance? All you need are competent players that communicate properly and this instance can easily done in 40 minutes.
I think Bungie should ban all you people for exploiting such a simple raid content. I'm not really one to say people need to earn their gear, but this is just getting ridiculous. Have some dignity people.
[b]edit:[/b] Lol you people who are saying I am a hypocrite, don't be mad I'm calling you people out for exploiting. I'm someone who loves this game and don't want to cheat or exploit my way through everything. I just want to play the game the way it was intended to be.
[b]edit #2:[/b] Some of you people are getting wayyyy too butthurt about me talking about sleeping at night. It's really just my way of saying how can you have a clean conscience when you are cheating and exploiting yourself into a really simple instance. I really don't care how you literally sleep at night so please relax. Lol I obviously got alot of cheaters upset over my post.
If the game drop system wasn't so messed up perhaps people would actually do the raid legit.
Then they should ban you to as you cheesed crota with your warlock hypocrit ^^
No one is forcing you to play the game this way. Get off your freakin soap box and let people play the way they want. If people wanna cheese Crota or push Atheon of the edge (Which still works BTW's:-)) then let them. Why does it bother you so much that people do it? How about this, you play the game the way you wanna play it and everyone else will play the way they wanna play? Sound good?
Edited by TrollControl: 12/18/2014 9:28:54 PMSo what it's a game, it had no story to begin with, it's all time based if anything and the smart player saves time by doing what they do.
Did you back out before the loot drop to avoid you getting rewards for them cheesing??? That's the real question
Edited by Nihilus: 12/18/2014 9:24:07 PMWhy fight the death singer if bungie won't give us a drop for it? I did it legit once but after that it's just a chore so I'd rather cheese and get it over with.
Lol inspect the warlock, finished the raid with 9 kills, definitely legit, I'm so unsure if this is a clever troll or a crap catcher
For your information the only part I have glitched on Crota's End was the bridge part this week because I was running short on time and needed to get things done fast. Besides that i've finished every part but the Deathsinger part only because no one is willing to help me.
People who exploit this are trash. More then half blow so much they cant beat it legit so they need to cheat to do it. I hope every single person doing it gets radiant mats and nothing in. Also a ban. Trash.
It's gonna be like the Templar all over again where only 1 in 6 people now how to do it.. :/
I slept great last night.... Just sayin.
Edited by archienj7: 12/19/2014 2:05:08 AMYou ARE a hypocrite. I called you out for it and you know it's true. You glitched then whined knowing full well you could have left at any point. You got the rewards THEN left to berate others for what you just did. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite, dummy. Doesn't matter if you complained or made a thread, you glitched it and are a piece of shit. You can pretend it doesn't bother you but people like you don't have much of a conscience anyway. I didn't glitch it however. I was 31 last week when I did it so I didn't have or want to. Because I'm not a whiny scrub hypocrite like you. Lol @ that you punk crybaby bitch, throw in another edit too for good measure. ;)
Could not give a crap about the cheesing lol im casual gamer with little time on my hands to play so i say fck it imma cheese this bitch instead of wasting time doin it legit hahaha.
People will always find an easier way to do things. People like you will always whinge when you didn't think of it first or do it the hard way. Fight smart, not hard.
Only cheese when I run with randoms and not my clan
Did the whole raid legit on my pug today, didn't take long
So did you stay in those PUGs or not? You seem to have failed to mention that minor piece of information. If you did, you're a hypocrite, as others have pointed out. If you did leave, how is the weather up there on that high horse you're currently riding? Why does it bother you what OTHER people do in the game when it has no direct impact on your ability to play and/or enjoy the game? The people stating that once it patches, the ones that only know how to glitch will have to learn how to do it correctly or not do it at all? They are correct, and all you have to do to avoid them is leave the fireteam.
I'm hoping the delay in releasing hard mode was so they have a chance to fix all the exploits, so in a way Im glad theyre being found now.
beat it 3 times before my group found cheeses, now we gatekeeper cheese
Let them cheese, that way the ppl that can actually do it can collect the tears when ppl complain in the hard raid when bungie fixes the cheeses just like what happened when they finally fixed the Templar.
Just beat Crota the legit way for the first time last night and we were all excited, but for the other 50 times I do the raid I don't want to waste 2 hours again so whatever's fastest.
If this makes you sick I wonder how you react to problems that actually matter. Man up, pusscake.
I only have a problem with using exploits when the person has never done a section legit. If you have beaten the entire raid legit cheese all you want. If you're that bad that you cant beat crotas end at least once legit just sell the game. I had not beaten crota until monday and some random we picked up wanted to cheese crota. I dogged him out.
Spend 40 min to get shards or spend 15 min cheesing for the same bullshit... The right choice should be obvious unless you ride the short yellow bus.
[quote]You make me sick [/quote] [quote] how the F do you guys sleep at night [/quote] [quote]I think Bungie should ban all you people[/quote] [quote]Have some dignity people.[/quote] [quote] I'm calling you people out[/quote] The solution to everything in this thread seems to be you just calming your tits and not taking a video game more seriously than death itself.
Why do you care what other people do, it doesn't effect your life at all. Stop being a hall monitor-mall cop and just worry about yourself.