Ex MLG Pro here trying to create a competitive. clan. I competed and won in MLG against Ogres/Walshy for Shadowrun. I also teamed with the Ogres in BF3. I have a tremendous amount of experience in gaming. My goal is to have a set of people to regularly do raid, pvp, strikes, vanguard.
Shoot me a msg and ill try you out. PSN- Vintage_NYC
I'm not interested in joining your clan but I'll play Crucible with you.
Sure thing add vowed1 if you see my friend request
Would love a group of peeps to beast on Crucible with. Been on a few top 25 teams in Gamebattles for PS3. Add me PSN: Smokedawg1994
Hey. Looking for a team for crucible, I've got around 15 days on this game with a decent K/D, and the PvP is the thing that keeps reeling me back. I'd love to play with ya PSN : SecretButter