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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
12/16/2014 3:53:24 AM

"I want people to feel like you earned your gear" Well sorry. But who are you again? Who gives a shit what you want, honestly. Let people do their thing man. Regardless of how you feel. People make their own choices in a game. Easy way, hard way, fast way, ect. What difference does it make to you? There are still so many problems with this game since launch, yet you decide to make a page about the ones that can help players. Lol. You're pathetic. But. But. It's not the right way. It's not legit. Only scrubs have to cheat. Blah blah blah. News flash. It's life. It's diversity. Some people are lazy. Some people enjoy a challenge. What difference does it make going from point A to point D and skipping a few letters? None at all to you. Next time I "glitch" in crota I'll send you a message apologizing. I know it ruins your game when I play mine differently than you. Oh wait.....

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