Here's the thing. can try the game before you buy it. throw your hissy fit all you want.'s your own fault
End of story.'s not even arguable lol
Lol no. ..have fun with a game you don't like....blind trust is retarded no matter what. ...your fault if you buy blind and don't like what you bought
[i]Blindly[/i] ... it was based on the quality and success of the the Halo franchise. Some of the best video games I've ever played. *Feeds troll a cookie*
well said the thing destiny taught me is regardless which game dev it is if they deny reviewers access to it before release for what ever reason...... jump ship that game is gonna crash
lol xD
Did I get to try the DLC before buying it? Because if I new the $20 DLC was just three rooms and a hallway, I assure you I wouldn't have been interested.
You only had to wait a couple of days. There's a lot of reviews, YouTube videos etc saying that the dlc is a disappointment. You had to wait just 2 days.
Watch a stream. reviews. you tube. bad you didn't, maybe you could have saved your 20 bucks Still your fault for buying something when you have absolutely no idea if you will like it or not
*bought every game from bungie and loved it for over a decade* "hmmm i enjoyed the beta the gameplay is top notch im probably gonna get the dlc anyway might aswel save myself £10 in long run......." you see the logic? I assume most people fell into the same trap as me so cut people some slack for dark below/house of wolves but after that..... tear into em like the old saying goes "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"