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Edited by Lord Yesua: 12/15/2014 12:22:55 AM

Destiny DLC: A Disappointment

[b]Reflections of a Cheesed off Guardian[/b] We were told they were listening. We thought they would learn from their mistakes. The DLC has shown us that Bungie are not listening and didn't learn from their mistakes. The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'. [b]Chill out! What's the problem?[/b] This game lacks content, variety, and volume. It feels empty. Don’t get me wrong, [i]the shooting and graphics are awesome[/i]. But the lack of content and variety within this game make the grind unbearable. I enjoy RPGs. I don’t mind the grind (provided there is plenty of content), but in Destiny, the grind is a miserably, depressing joke. Not even Crota's scrota finds it funny. It is a hollow of a game. No wonder players began by shooting into a hole. It has the potential to be awesome but fails to deliver with the story and the variety of content. The grind would be almost bearable if they had given us 6 new PvP maps, 5 new strikes, 10 new story missions. Instead, they gave us rehashed missions in places we've already played with the odd additional space and minimal story telling. [b]A Box of Chocolates[/b] If I buy a box of the finest chocolates, I expect the box to be full with delicious chocolate treats. When I get half a box of mouldy chocolate pieces, I'm not happy and throw a hissy fit. When I buy a video game that promises so much but gives so little, I feel cheated of my money. Bungie, where's my [i]chocolate[/i]? [b]Positives [/b] Okay, so perhaps I'm being a bit negative. It is not all doom and gloom. Over the past few months Bungie have added a lot of the ideas promoted by players and game reviews. The new missions, though brief and largely in the same old places, were fun to play. Killing Urzok the Hated with three other random Guardians was a barrel of laughs. And the last part of the Urn of Sacrifice quest was epic. I was hoping for more playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. [b]Objections and Answers[/b] [b]Objection 1:[/b] ‘Stop crying and play another game’. Answer: Look, I do love this game. The shooting and graphics are awesome. I just feel the game has failed us in so many ways with regard to story, variety and volume of content. It has so much [i]potential[/i] but feels so [i]empty[/i]. Also ... I have a right to voice my opinion. Google 'freedom of speech'. If you don't agree with what I say, don't just tell me to zip it, give me [i]reasons [/i]why you think I'm wrong. [b]Objection 2:[/b] 'You guys complain about not enough [i]new[/i] content, but then you don't want to do the [i]new[/i] content when provided'. Answer: The content provided is the same old grind, killing the same old enemies, in the same old places ... sure great [i]new[/i] content. #DoubleSpeak [b]Objection 3:[/b] 'I thought we got a fair bit of DLC for our money' (yes, people are seriously saying this). Answer: Compare the Destiny expansion with the expansions of Skyrim and Oblivion (they were huge!). Destiny has fallen short of the standard set by last gen games. Don't get me wrong, the game is good. The shooting is engaging and the graphics are beautiful. I simply expect more content to ease the monotony of the grind and make it more interesting and enjoyable. I don't get why people are opposed to the idea of more playable content. It is weird. [b]Objection 4:[/b] ‘Quit whining and hating on Destiny’. Answer: In fact, I love this game. I want to see it get better and realise its potential. Surely you want the same? [b]Objection 5:[/b] ‘Don’t comment till you've done the raid’. Answer: That is another can of worms. A social based game like Destiny should include within itself the in-game mechanics to encourage social activity. Where is the in-game LFG forum for making teams to do the raid? Seems like a glaring omission to me. Even so, why can’t I comment on the story missions and the strike when I've played them? [b]Objection 6:[/b] 'It is more DLC than what CoD usually offers'. Answer: The problem is FPS CoD players don't see how empty this expansion is compared with what MMO and RPG players have come to expect from expansions. Destiny is a strange hybrid ... a jack of all trades ... Given the MMO/RPG aspects, I thought the expansion would substantially add to the game's playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. I think that this was a fair expectation. [b]LIKE[/b] and [b]BUMP[/b] if you agree. [b]Thanks for all the support! Cheers Guardians![/b] [b]600+ likes and a load of bumps!! [/b]

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  • Bump. You're right the graphics and shooting is about all Destiny has going for it.

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  • Yeah the new story missions are a complete joke. Maybe about 2 hours to complete them and the first strike. I would've liked a new planet, or a new large area on an existing planet with 4-5 new missions and a new patrol area with FRESH NEW ENVIRONMENTS, come on. "This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'. " Nailed it

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  • Bump

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  • [quote]The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'.[/quote] And if pay close attention, you'll notice the new missions and strikes having their starting point set to the end point of another mission and then guide you backwards to were that same older strike or mission started. So basically they run you through the same areas in reverse probably assuming you won't even notice it's the same old area done in reverse.

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  • Not DLC, it's an Expansion. This stuff was already on the disc. So I don't see how they could've "listened" and implemented anything major here that wasn't already preplanned. That would be my only complaint. I think it would be nice if they implemented actual DLC encompassing the ideas and thoughts of the community that Bungie claims to have taken to heart. Something to come out after they drop the House of Wolves expansion.

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    1 Reply
    • I can think of 3 games that might have more content. So quit complaining Gta 5 (been out for a year so no surprise) Forza (which I wouldn't even count but someone will comment about it) And diablo 3 (tough call on this one, end game is even more monotonous than destiny but fun)

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    • Edited by Loot Cave Rave: 12/12/2014 2:59:47 PM
      I love the new DLC. New weapons, new armour, new items. I like this kind of thing. New character levels, therefore new reasons to grind and level up. I like this kind of thing. New missions. Not many, but the few we have are excellent. That Warmind one is one of the most enjoyable I've done in ages. Eris. She is a quality new addition. New bounties, new prizes and she has an untold story. I like that kind of thing. The new Strike is difficult and fun. The new lvl 26 strikes, the 30 weeklies. It's all good for me. The new Raid. This will keep me going for ages. They've addressed so many things I wanted improved or removed. It's like they actually read what (some of) the fans have asked for. I know, right? Just as the previous installment became stale (for me) they've released fresh content that has me addicted again. I can see why people might be annoyed, but I love it.

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      4 Replies
      • It's not mistakes. It's Bungivisions masterpiece of -blam!-ing up customers.

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      • DLC = reset the grind

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      • There are some statements here that I agree with, and there are some that I disagree with. What I like the best about this post is your ability to post your opinion without sounding like a complete donkey! There are a lot of people just spewing hate on anything Destiny/Bungie has, has not, will, or will not do. Unfortunately now a lot of these feedback complaints are just old news, but yours kept it fresh. I hope Bungie gives you that chocolate soon! Glad you've stuck it out. See you in the tower. Perhaps we could....pass the purple ball around?

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        1 Reply
        • Honestly, this game is horrible and has many bugs. I'll sell it for credit at Gamestop. I cant waste m'y time grinding for 10 years of garbage. Everyone ask yourself in 10 years will this game be worth it? Endosse grinding of garbage...smh à failed franchise .

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        • Totally agree. Dissapointed to the max. Feeling ripped off. And now it can be confirmed they are locking and unlocking the original game. I seen video of someone that glitched into the Kings Wrath on earth. It was full of enemies, had a couple dead ghost and even a boss. Its not in the Dark Below content. guess is that it unlocks when the second dlc hits. Further proving that these so called expansions were finished and were part of the original game.

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          1 Reply
          • Here is what happened to me literally just now in the game store. Had TDB in my hand, went to the counter, changed my mind and got warlords of draenor instead. Could not be more happier

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          • bump

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          • I can respect your views and opinion, but... You've never successfully cleared an activity in the Vault of've yet to do Crotas End...your ONLY char is not 30th, you seem to do a lot of PVP and tiger strikes continuously... Ever think it's your playstyle that lacks the variety to see some of the other content that is offered? Honestly not a jab at you sir, just an observation of mine. For me, if all I did was PVP and run tiger strikes, i'd find this game pretty boring too. Your relatively low grimoire score and lack of a clan also indicates you likely don't run with dedicated groups of friends. Seriously, find an active clan and start running with people. You'll find this game is more about co-op experience, and less about playing by yourself.

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by TheNoss: 12/12/2014 8:30:38 AM
              I totally agree, In fact here's a petition about it ALL with almost 4000 Signatures, we the community most Band Together! Read and Join the Petition here: Please Share the word!

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              2 Replies
              • Bungie/Activision created and sold us an addictive game, not a good game. All true gamers are disappointed and bored with destiny. Let's move on and leave the casuals to play this garbage.

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                3 Replies
                • fist bump

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                • You know what I want from Bungie? Not a better game, because honestly they've sold their souls for the next 10 years with Activision. I don't even want a refund. I want an apology. I want them to be able to own up to their mistakes. All they do is just keep deflecting blame and avoiding the issue (telling players they need to try harder after you nerf thorn? give me a break, Deej). You know you made something of lackluster quality. The community knows it. The reviewers know it. Surely your Activision leash-holders know it. You're still going to be making promises of more and better content, so how much damage could it really do to say that Destiny isn't what it should have been? I guarantee you Destiny 2 is still going to make more money than God because Bungie's name and ties to Halo will carry new games further than they would have gone otherwise. Just an apology. That's all I want.

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                  7 Replies
                  • You make a very good point. The thing with the "stop crying if you don't like it stop playing it" argument is that it assumes we don't like the game. Truth be told I do like this game and I very much WANT to play it, BUT I do feel like they have over promised and under delivered more times than one. The game is fun and I will continue to play it but I still feel that the DLC was disappointing and the story/playable content is not what it should be.'s almost like people want to like this game so much that they always will and are afraid to point out the obvious short comings of the company. Believe it or not it is still possible to like a game but still find it lacking

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                    4 Replies
                    • People who don't believe the content was already on the disc are morons one of the new missions you have to go downstairs of some wrecked building were 2 knights use to be and that black door was not to mention the fact people found ways to glitch inside of the ( new ) areas in Crotas end if you watch those videos and then look at the same area they were in noting is changed besides for there are enemies in there now and you can glitch inside of the next dlc already and even find dead ghost in there that you can awaken ( idk if you get the grimore card or not) I hope this was just for destiny 1 because of budget or something and they deliver an amazing game in destiny 2 ..

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                      9 Replies
                      • Bump. Pardon me, but I`m fully agree, developers you lazy dirty cheaters. Buying DLC we obtain just a little more content (3 "story" missions, 3 pvp maps, 1 strike & 1 raid), but our previous game progress become almost useless. Due to the lack of sufficient game content mechanic begins to resemble low budget f2p grinder. Please tell, if you do not want to waste your time on the development of the game, why do we have to waste our time on it, so even pay you for it not so small money?

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                      • YouTube and Twitch are there for your leisure, you can see it all vicariously without even paying a dime. Activision's favorite kind of consumer is the one that jumps the gun based on little else but hope. The same goes for every company on this planet that aims for the bills in your wallet. Also, while the story was indeed mediocre, it was not the center of advertising. Let's be honest, it was the raid that was the selling point, nothing more.

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                        2 Replies
                        • What? Really? I don't see any Sarcasm in this or humor, are you Serious? If so you really need to go away and quit being such a negative whiner. I love the new missions, they are a real challenge especially if you are trying to solo them. The new gear is great and dropping like rain. New weapons are awesome, Murmur is not only the best all around weapon in the game but it is given to you for little work. My new Armor has allowed me to advance from 29 to 31 in just a couple of days. I could never get the right drops in the old Raid. The new raid is a real challenge, I keep seeing lvl 28 and 29's getting their ass handed to them. The new missions are a blast, the new bounties are fun and challenging. I am having a tough time keeping my second character active, my third is being ignored for the time. Xur had and awesome bounty of things this week, I got Helmets I needed for Motes and exchanged my favorite weapons to the new level. Overall I give them a 10/10 for the new content. If you still are not happy then you should go elsewhere.

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                        • Why is everyone bitching about this damn dlc they put enough content to be worth 20 in my mind the only reason people complain is because they are probably comparing this to games like skyrim where the dlc is -blam!-ing huge. Stop complaining and just play the game or quit the choice I'd yours honestly

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                          3 Replies
                          • i like Destiny i just wished the content they added had more , if Bungie continues like this, this game will be dead before March 2015

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