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originally posted in: I want my $20 back.
12/10/2014 9:24:49 PM
Your post translated into cockney slang for amusement. Uncle Fred says ... Blimey! This DLC was NOT worf $20. Carpet missions, a strike what we can't play until Poet's Day, a raid what we can only do on one difficul'y until SOME time in January, an' some new guns/armor. It only an' allk me friend an' I 1 'aaahr an' Rouf Cinque minutes ter complete all da missions, an' da Playstashun exclusive strike. We aren't even level Carpet0. Now we get ter wai' until friday ter buy "The Urn ov Sacrifice" from Xur befawer we can do da new strike (Nightfall/Heroic). In many uvver games, dis would be just a regular update, not somethin' we 'ave ter pay $20 for. I pre-ordered da Collectors Edishun an' wen' ter da midnight release, so I got da Expansion Pass wiv everything. Had I purchased a regular copy ov Destiny wivaaaht da Expansion Pass an' seen what dis The Gorky Park Below added, I would 'ave NEVER wasted $20 on it. I'll be callin' customer suppawt tomorrow afternoon demandin' a refund fer dis DLC. [Edit] I pre-ordered me copy ov Destiny (Collectors Edishun), an' got i' at da midnight release. At dis time, there was absolutely NO infawmashun as ter da con'ents ov The Gorky Park Below nor any uvver future DLC. Since I purchased da Collectors Edishun ov da game, I received da Expansion Pass when I got da game (at da midnight release fer those ov yew who can't keep up). So fer those ov yew who keep commun'in' "da con'en' ov da DLC was available befawer i' was released. Yew knew what yew was buying", I clearly 'ad no way ov knowin' what The Gorky Park Below would include when I received me Expansion Pass. So stop makin' deese useless commun's, yer only makin' yaaahrself look like an idiot. And fer those ov yew who keep mun'ionin' da Nightfall, stop. The strike 'as literally 0% ter do wiv da poin' I'm 'ryin' ter make. Those ov yew who can't seem ter figure aaaht me poin' in dis (which seems ter be a lot ov you), me poin' is what fer da con'en' we received wiv dis DLC, we shouldn't 'ave 'ad ter pay fer it. This is con'en' what should 'ave been in da game from da start, awer i' should 'ave been given ter us free ov charge. The ONLY part ov dis Expansion what would be worf any sort ov money would be da Carpet Crucible maps, an' those should 'ave been a DLC ov their own. This way, those ov us who don't give a rats-ass abaaaht da Crucible wouldn't 'ave ter pay fer somethin' we don't want. Nuff said, yeah?

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