Interesting that you chose to call the guy the 'Teumessian Fox', which is based on Greek myth (the fox who could never be caught) and gave him the appearance of a Kitsune, which is rooted in Asian myth.
Regardless, a cool idea. Didn't read thoroughly, mostly skimmed. Still better than what we've got coming out, in concept if nothing else.
It'd be interesting to incorporate Laelaps (spelling?), the hound who would never fail to catch, as it is a big part of the myth of the Teumessian fox, basically as an opposing force.
Also, I would kill for that helmet on my Guardian.
with the Fox ideas i loved the idea of Teumessian which suited the idea of Assassin that everyone couldn't for the kitsune armour (well there was no greek armour that i could inspire on),i thought it would be nice to have samurai themed armour. Also there is a stroy behind the armour . plus Kitsune and Teu-Foxes are pretty much the same. thanks for the support