[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I'm reading what everybody is posting and the thing that pops in my head over and over on nearly ever comment is "Adrenaline". The reason I say this is because when we started playing bungie games some of us was 8-10 years younger then what we are now (heck most of us were kids), and the first time we put that halo disc and heard that music, started watching the cut scene it was the biggest adrenaline rush any gamer could ask for. So then we would continue to play day in and day out trying to get that adrenaline rush back and I feel like we was able to keep seeking the rushes all the way through Halo 3. I also feel like we got the rushes in destiny too but we received them all in the beta instead of having one good little adrenaline rush (just to feed us so we will be hungry to play more). But to be honest the real problem is we're older and stuff just don't excite us like it did when we were kids because we have experienced more circumstances like getting accepted to college, graduating college, getting married, having kids or even that big job promotion you have been wanting on for 6 months. That's why playing video games isn't fun anymore because real life has gave you the biggest adrenaline rush that any person could ever ask for. With that said I'm not hating on Destiny, Bungie or Activision their doing a good job (keep it up) it's just that their having to battle real life ordeals and is not able to feed our inner kid anymore cause something else already has.