C'mon bungie. I played since alpha and the alpha didn't have all these connection issues. I have to get really lucky to make it to the tower without getting beaver and sometimes if I do make it, it disconnects me after taking a step.
Another thing is disconnecting during a solo mission. Seriously? I've had to do the daily twice today because the daily doesn't save progress. I just got disconnected while typing this on Mars trying to do a bounty.
If you're going to blame my network, I already opened all the ports, 68 Mbps down and 10 up. Nat type 2 since I am on router because this game is impossible to play on my modem for some reason. And please don't link me the code help forums. I already tried everything.
Me too CONSTANT disconnections, I have type 2 nat 60mb down n 10 up this is brutal