I see way too much complaining going on around here, I'm probably gonna get complaints about this post because I think people complain too much about this game.
Like geez, just play the game, and if you don't like it, play something else.
You aren't getting everything now because then you'd be more bored if you had everything now, like maps/places for instance, if it comes out little bits at a time, then [ I'd ] people would be more likely to continue playing.
There may be more "incentives" for season pass buyers than just the new sparrow, which is honestly pretty cool in my opinion, so don't need to complain about that either.
And they are working on the matchmaking problems, just give them more time to work out problems, again, you aren't gonna get everything you want, at least they added a voice chat for match-made fireteams during strikes.
So, just chill guys, you'll get most of what you want, but not now.
[ I was pretty tired during the making of this post, so if my "valid point/argument" sucks, then I blame the fact I didn't go to sleep earlier/make this post earlier. ]
You are about to experience something very strange. But to perhaps give you a chance, you should try to change your tag from #Offtopic to #Destiny. Trust me, it'll be better.