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11/14/2014 4:01:31 PM

Is this offensive to you?

I would like to know of it is offensive to Americans when someone in a fireteam party says "Merica!" or refers to one as a "Murican". And not also when playing Destiny but also in this forum. I am not from the U.S. so I would like to know. Last night doing the raid one party member blew himself up by firing a rocket launcher directly inside a Titan's shield, and when he laughed someone else said "...that's not may be to you because you hail from Murica!"... and I thought that was funny but did not laugh because silence ensued. Everyone kept quiet about it. So is it an offense? The internet tells me Americans like to joke about it too, but I dont know if its the same as being called a bitch or an idiot. Any thoughts?

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  • It's not offensive. That's how real murrcans say it.

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    10 Replies
    • The silence was not from 'merica. The silence is because he laughed and someone said that's not funny.

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    • I offend myself when I say it, but I am 'Murican, so what do I know?

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    • Freedom Intensified

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    • This thread belongs in the off topic section.

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    • I don't like it but what's a man's opinion worth when the rest of America uses such a dumb phrase.

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    • Edited by Xernos Edge: 11/14/2014 7:50:56 PM
      It's cool! we say that too. It's a pretty popular meme on the internet and we accepted it, beside we think it's funny as hell! Edit: America is a joke and also its a country of opportunity. But when you -blam!-ed it up....shits can go down lowwwwwwwww

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    • Not at all offensive.

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    • To the average American it's not offensive.

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    • The Truth hurts

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      4 Replies
      • America America America, -blam!- Yeah! Comin' again to save the mother-blam!-in' day, Yeah America, -blam!- Yeah! Freedom is the only way, Yeah Terrorists, your game is through 'cause now you have ta answer to America, -blam!- yeah! So lick my butt and suck on my balls America, -blam!- Yeah! Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now It's the dream that we all share It's the hope for tomorrow (-blam!- Yeah!) McDonald's (-blam!- Yeah!) Wal-Mart (-blam!- Yeah!) The Gap (-blam!- Yeah!) Baseball (-blam!- Yeah!) The NFL (-blam!- Yeah!) Rock N' Roll (-blam!- Yeah!) The Internet (-blam!- Yeah!) Slavery (-blam!- Yeah!) -blam!- Yeah! Starbucks (-blam!- Yeah!) Disneyworld (-blam!- Yeah!) Porno (-blam!- Yeah!) Valium (-blam!- Yeah!) Reeboks (-blam!- Yeah!) Fake Tits (-blam!- Yeah!) Sushi (-blam!- Yeah!) Taco Bell (-blam!- Yeah!) Rodeos (-blam!- Yeah!) Bed, Bath and Beyond (-blam!- yeah..-blam!- Yeah) Liberty (-blam!- Yeah!) Wax Lips (-blam!- Yeah!) The Alamo (-blam!- Yeah!) Band-aids (-blam!- Yeah!) Las Vegas (-blam!- Yeah!) Christmas (-blam!- Yeah!) Immigrants (-blam!- Yeah!) Popeyes (-blam!- Yeah!) Democrats (-blam!- Yeah!) Republicans (..-blam!- Yeah..-blam!- Yeah) Sportsmanship (...) Books (....)

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        4 Replies
        • Maybe the awkward silence wasn't due to the use of "'Murica" but because another member of the fireteam was from a middle-eastern country? Or because we 'Muricans created the word as a silly showing of pride in our hilariously back-asswards country and the fireteam member used it out of context as an insult?

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        • Umm.. We are the only ones that can use that word. Now say sorry and we can all move on...

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        • Mercia blaming yea

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        • I wouldn't worry about offending anyone; most people will take it as a joke anyway.

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        • "'Merica" came from the US.

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        • It's pretty low on the list of offensive words. I mainly use it when insinuating stupidity.

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        • Nah, we definitely joke about it too, though it goes without saying that you'll find anyone that gets offended by anything.

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        • The moment sounds like a funny DOH! moment that everyone has on occasion when they play any game (heck I backed up too far while firing a rocket yesterday fell off of the platform I was on shot it and blew myself up....and I just rolled my eyes and called myself retarded...its happens). The problem I have is the response from the teammate is not at all funny....not because he said Murica....but basically he called the person an idiot for laughing at his own mistake. That to me is enough to silence any room. Really mr perfect? Your telling me you never made a single little slip up before? If he had just said something to the affect of....Oh you Muricans......that probably would have been appropriately funny in the situation. But calling someone out because they did something they already know was dumb (and they laughed it off) and doing it in a serious manner in an effort to bash that just foolish....they make the town idiot look like a genius.

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        • Edited by Sokol: 11/14/2014 6:39:51 PM
          Well, if its offensive, then Americans should blame South Park (created by Americans...). I think America's great - its the land of opportunity for smart people. I spent my high school, university, and 5 years of working life in the U.S. (North-east and Texas). While I would agree with the general stereotype of Americans for the "average" American, there is a minority of the population that is incredibly driven, intelligent, and often very welcoming and nice - they are what makes America excel in so many fields. That minority makes a very easy and nice living off the backs of the "average" americans, and that's ok. There's a reason that the Brain Drain around the world centered on the U.S. - because it's where a smart person can make the most comfortable living in the easiest way.

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          6 Replies
          • It depends on the person you say it to, and the context you say it in. Some may be offended by it while others wouldent be

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          • Nope, could care less, but I was raised to have thick skin and not sweat the little stuff.

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          • Edited by Utimagus: 11/14/2014 7:06:55 PM
            I personally say 'merica whenever I refer to the US and one if its oxymoronic or hypocritical nuances. I don't find it offensive at all.

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          • I say it often and I'm American. I wouldn't really care if someone else said it.

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            4 Replies
            • It sounds terrible. But frankly I couldn't give two shits what anyone thinks about citizens of the Untied States. I know that's a very 'merican thing to say, but I live in the greatest country on earth and everyone else can suck it. For context, I grew up in Romania and came over to the United States when I was 11. Ive seem both ends of the spectrum. I know we have our problems over here (obamacare) but there is nowhere else I'd rather live.

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            • I make fun of people's nationality all the time, so I wouldn't mind if people made fun of mine. For instance: China: If it exists, it was made in China. If not, then it will be soon. Mexico: What Nationality? They don't seem to have any other than training themselves how to jump higher so they can jump over the border (They make great basketball players, tho). United States (North): Yankees who don't know how to drive, and never seem to piss off when they come visit the southern part of the US. United States (South): Redneck white trash, full of old people, and never stop preaching how the Confederate will rise again.

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