Well the rest of us (me as a titan) have to use skill to not die when doing hard raid whereas you warlocks have no idea how to get through hard raid without dying. I constantly see the warlocks die and self res over and over when doing hard raid. I prefer to ride my bike without training wheels so there's nothing for me to be jealous about.
I do it with all 3 chars....Warlock is just the best thats all
Well Warlock is DeeJ's favorite, can't argue about that.
I actually don't mean to complain, cause if they can resurrect themselves then they are not so much of a drag to the team. The more bodies the more successful we can be at finishing the checkpoint. One rule for hard raid DON'T DIE!
Rule 1b. If you're warlock and get to the hard parts, go sunsinger and use self revive when you die.
Yes. Titans are superior they provide for the whole team... Who gets its through Atheon quicker? TITANS weapons of light Warlocks take the shield run down get sniped. Self res. then die again Wow so useful
I wasn't talking about Titans, even though you and your bubble have no room to be talking about training wheels. [i]Bullets?!?!? Oh noez![/i] *throws up shield*
At least our bubbles actually keep us alive, rather than bringing us back from death again
If I wanted to I could use the perk that doubles my health and I could do the same thing. Not really bashing it in all honesty though, as the defender bubble shield is sweet looking.
You can't even fire out of the shield, and if you get killed while inside of it it'll disappear and all the people who were relying on your "training wheels" will be slaughtered, defenders are amazing members of any team
I'm just poking fun at his super because he pokes fun at mine. I like the strategic value of a bubble shield, and you can definitely use it to your advantage. When I'm done with my warlock I'll be making a defender (the hunter is my brothers and I won't touch it)