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8/12/2013 10:08:30 AM

What would it take to make you a Christian? (non-theists)

The point was raised in HM Rob's thread, in a strange manner that didn't work so well. So here's a direct question for the atheists of Secular Sevens; what would it take for you to become a Christian?

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  • 1) Absolute proof unexplainable by science that god exists 2) He's not a douchebag 3) Heaven is worth it 4) The devil isn't a cool gui

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      • [quote]THE LAST THREE ARE TRUE.[/quote] According to my understanding of Genesis, the Devil wanted us to be able to understand morality and be able to think for ourselves whilst God wanted us child-like and obedient for all eternity. Subservient and complacent. That way he could farm our love for him off of us because we were too naive to know otherwise. Also, not a very smart God who makes a tree that he doesn't want people to eat off of. Why did he make the tree in the first place? Unless he wanted us to eat it. Which means he wanted to kick us out of the Garden of Eden in the first place. Which means we're nothing more than his pawns, the devil included. So, I will sympathize with the devil. He rebelled against God as best he could but still ended up manipulated by him. Either way, God sucks.

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