Weapon balancing is actually comparatively easy compared to the atheon bugs. Imagine lines of code, all with different values. All you have to do is tweak the values (deleting current value, inputting new value) test it and boom, you're done. The values are everything and anything. Reload times, Damage, rate of fire, field of view, character movement speed. All assigned a numerical value. Increase numerical values for a buff (generally) decrease them for a Nerf (generally.) I just honestly think they don't care. Or the atheon bugs are overwhelmingly complicated (pretty likely.)
Edited by Mad Koopa: 11/5/2014 8:58:52 PMBut if it's a visual, stat, and capacity boost... It will call for one or two teams to coordinate with these changes and testing... With visuals being done for the next raid and making sure it lives up to what it needs to be, I can see this taking some time. Not to mention those teams currently trying to test and fix the new exotics before release.. They must have their hands full at the moment with everything going on. Coordination, if at all possible at this moment, would be a difficult task. Providing us with a small patch for thorn and juju may hinder time that could be spent elsewhere. I'd love to see thorn buffed.. I can wait though :)