originally posted in:LionsGuard Prime
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i am new to this clan and completely lost as to where to go or who to talk to.
hoping to play with other people in general i would love to do raids eventually.
i do both pve and pvp. i like to think i am somewhat decent. i have been out of practice on console shooters for over 3 years now.
so i am shaking the dust off and enjoying the process.
PS4 lvl 21 hunter
psn: ShredDaGnarGnar
Hey there! The PS4 division for LionsGuard is called Red Regime. Go check them out by clicking the following links! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/248673 http://clansofdestiny.com/clan/profile/lionsguard_1st_division_-_red_regime