Like twobearmears said we need more mass multiplayer activities. I'm just shouting this out but what if we had more maps per planet or extension of the maps on each planet in the next update not a dlc. Or add new planets so that we have more of a game to play with. What you could also do is have worlds that are unlocked but they have no story. Only 2 or 3 of course but what if we have those worlds and what u have to is basically explore to conquer the planet or do missions for the tower to get more territory. That could include new races of course. Or what Bungie should do is in space warfare. Have you ever thought "why do I need a new ship?" Well a new ship could protect against you from the vandall and cabal and vex interplanetary ship that will try to hunt you down. We need more to this game or else it won't lasts. That problem can only be fixed by Bungie and the people that ask Bungie to change to make the game better.
If you look at grimiore there's cards for mercury and Saturn (either Saturn or Uranus I can't remember) so they are coming. Just be patient my fellow gaurdian.