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originally posted in: sucks to be an Xbox player... again.
10/29/2014 5:44:25 PM
So what is the point of having r he xbox community wait a year to play the extra content when ps users only have to wait a month to get COD maps that is exactly the same content.

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  • Forget about it. I wouldn't even worry about it. We're not missing out on enough to make any kind of difference in the ongoing enjoyment of the game. Not a big deal.

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  • Sure okay ill go with you but this sinking fast you better have your floaty ready.

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  • Haaa . . . I can hold my breath a loooong time!

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  • Skyrim dlc. No more needs to be said

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  • Actually yeah, there's a lot more to be said. It was never a paid time-exclusive DLC. It was just FAR easier to make and release on the 360, and they had HUGE complications with developing for PS3.

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  • Im sorry this aint skyrim and destiny has a much larger playerbase to keep happy.

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  • A much larger player base then skyrim? How dense are you? Skyrim was a goty, destiny is going down as the flop of the year. And guess what. You all get shit before ps and that's all good and fine. But we get it first. You all whine and complain. You all don't like it. Titanfall was mp. But MS threw a ton of money at them. They couldn't get a game that can even come close to uncharted so had to buy a TR that was redone to be like uncharted. Your system is a scrub in the market. That fat kid that thinks hes cool and no one likes. You all want to bitch and whine. Well remember all the times you got it first before us and suck it.

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  • Actually, in reality, the reason it took you whiners so long to get the first Skyrim expansion, is because Bethesda literally TOOK that long trying to figure out how to code in added content on your out-dated POS console. Wasn't just them that had issues either, look into it even just a little bit, and there's quite a lot of devs that said trying to develop dlc on the PS3 was absolute hell.

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  • I do know the difference with the cell processor vs the core proc with your xbox. I owned the original as well as the 360. I also owned more games on both then I bet you've owned on all your systems. So save your idiocy for your fl. Reality is, Sony is the top selling system this gen. Sony caught you all last gen with you all having an 18 month head start and oh yeah before that. Sony had the highest selling system. OF ALL TIME. Sony gives a damn about its gamers. Xbox doesn't. #dealwithit

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  • Yeah, they care about their gamers, that's why they had to tell them their sensitive information was compromised because of their cardboard box strength firewalls and network defenses. And yeah, that lead 360 had, that was [i]totally[/i] because of the headstart, and NOT AT ALL because it was an all around better console. And if you honestly owned more games than me last gen, I feel sorry for you, cuz I already have/had all the games WORTH owning. So, guess you wasted money? Boo hoo?

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  • lol a better console? Are you to blinded by MS's croach in your face or were you just bent over? Their system was a -blam!-ing joke. Mine had 3 RROD's. 3. Everyone person I know who owned a 360 had the same -blam!-ing problem. Damn man, are you just that stupid?

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  • I'm sorry you weren't tech savey enough to fix a loose screw on a heat-sync. Cry moar plz?

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  • lol. That's all you got? Im sorry your system maker tries to screw you all over at every turn. Doesn't own a studio that can makes its own top notch games so has to buy them from others. While your all playing MCC ill be laughing at how they did some minor graphical upgrades and you all paid for it. Meanwhile ill be playing TLOU remastered, you know the one called the greatest game of last gen. And before you follow up with its only been out a year. Do understand. TLOU is a far better game than halo ever could be.

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  • Hah, you wish. TLOU is just the best thing Sony has ever had, which isn't saying a lot considering one of your most cherished IP's stars a sock puppet. TLOU is a shitty Hollywood movie made into a poor excuse for a game, in reality, it's really nothing more than Telltale's Walking Dead but with better graphics. SOOOOOO impressive. Next time you wanna boast about a great game, maybe pick one that has a decent story and GOOD gameplay, rather than an over-glorified point and click that panders to the human psyche of thinking anything involving children is just automatically more dramatic. Take that garbage and stuff it, cuz it's not really exclusive if I can watch the cut-scenes strung together on youtube and experience the best parts of the game.

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  • I doubt you've ever played TLOU based on your comments. It shows how -blam!-ing stupid you really are. A good story? TLOU is credited as having one of the best stories. Also. Uncharted. Better than anything on the xbox. Period. You do remember that 2 was something that no xbox game was. A game of the year.

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  • Pretty sure I already mentioned the games that were GOTY, but it's ok, short term memory loss and something I'd mock. And Crash Bandicoot: Human edition? That's what you're propping up as the swansong end-all game? I wipe my ass with better games. Burger King sold better games. And no, I haven't ever 'played' TLOU, if you could even call it that, cuz nobody needs to. It's a movie that you play, just watch it that way, it's an improvement, trust me. Not that it saves it from being meh at best, but, sure as shit saves you the time you would have wasted actually 'playing' that garbage.

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  • So if your done licking my left testicle, can you lick the right one he is jealous.

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  • that butt hurt, it bothers you so. All you people have to look forward to is super dudebro infamous rip off. A reskined subpar fps game that was designed for teens and pre teens and a shit MP game that regrets coming out on your failure of a system. So in closing. The only one sucking nuts is you budy. MS nuts and you seem to love it. Enjoy your reskinned shit game. Its funny, the original looked better. But you're all to dumb to get graphics and how designers hide their flaws.

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  • Lol. The game was originally being designed on Xbox before they began working on the PS version. It wasn't even on the table for sony until 2013. But go right ahead and make your fanboy assumptions, it really shows your sense of entitlement.

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  • I don't have any entitlement douche. I am getting a kick out of all you whinny bitch xbox owners complaining you don't get content at the same time we do while you all laugh and giggle about getting other content before we do. STFU and deal with it. You all and your shit sub system are a joke.

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  • Yeah, because we are all just SO GIDDY about getting CoD DLC. That isn't even comparable. If anything you should thank us for beta testing that garbage, getting reviews out so you know it's trash and can save your money, assuming it would even run on your shitty hamster wheel connection ANYWAY.

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  • lmao shitty hamster wheel connection. I have fios asshat, 50 up 50 down. Enjoy your shit child like UI and games. Hey bro, lets go kill people that mutated from drinking an energy drink. WHoA BRO. LETS DO THE DEW AND DO IT. As for COD. I play it for single player and sell it. My reservations are for GTA V, Uncharted, The order, The witcher 3.

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  • All the high-speed fiber-wire internet in the world can't make up for Sony's shitty network, bub.

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  • Their shitty network that's been attacked by idiotic xbox hackers. Go figure. xbox owners are -blam!-ing children. Whinny bitchy brats who pout and stomp their feet when someone else gets something they think they should have. Hey btw bud. How did you enjoy all those goty's the 360 gen had. Oh yeah that's right you all had 0. PS had 5

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  • If their so idiotic, how do they keep shutting your shit down? Must be doing something right....and if THEY are stupid, what does that make Sony? lol Also GOTY? Pretty sure we had Bioshock (before it was ported), Mass Effect (before it was Ported, AND Halo 3, all in the same year no less. Guess Sony Ponies just forget that year existed? Didn't have much on the PS3 to really remember the year, did ya?

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