how is this the same as what xbox has been doing for years? each system has its exclusive titles (ps has gran turismo xbox has halo) when talking about dlc i you ask this. How long would one have to wait to get dlc, 2 weeks? 3? Bungie is making it an entire year!
My PS3 Skyrim DLC felt like a year.
That wasnt because of exclusivity, it was because skyrim was crippled with gamebreaking bugs on the ps3 at the time.
Damn it I want to complain about something too! I am aware of the bugs, that's why I went to PC
Haha ok my mistake
lol you know what! The amount of complaints in this forum are too damn high!
I think Call of Duty would like to have a word with you about the it's timed dlc's it has received over the years.